Order a Reading

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Funny old deck

Hezicos Tarot, Mary Griffin 2010
The court cards in the Hezicos Tarot are curious things. All of them are close-ups of people wearing headgear and jewelry to indicate their suit. The pages and knights are in profile. The queens and kings face front and look squarely at the viewer. But there's nothing at all in the image to indicate the card meaning. With the courts in Hezicos, you are left to your own devices, your own prior knowledge of the meaning of the card.

Actually, for me this is the case with nearly every card in the Hezicos deck. While I find the images very pleasant and the colours beautiful, to read with this deck, I find I must call upon prior knowledge, and then search out any tidbits within the card that I might use to build upon. The meanings do not jump out at me. There's nothing in that King of Rods card, to me, to indicate the sort of assertive, confident 'show man' that I associate with this court character. The 6 of Rods makes me think more of playing on a rocking horse than making a triumphal entry, and that bald little fairy in 9 of Coins looks more like she's engaged in a personal hygiene moment than relishing her abundant good fortune. Still, enough of the RWS elements are there, instantly apparent in most cases, to prod me along, and the colours are so pretty I just go with it.

Today's draw says to me, as the tarot has been saying to me for some time now: If you follow through on your intentions today, you will feel great about yourself and will enjoy a deep sense of satisfaction.

So, let's do that, then. :) What are my intentions today? I guess the first thing is to identify them (though the King of Rods is not one for making plans--he just does. Right, there's my answer then! Get off here and go do something!)


  1. Ha ha, personal hygiene moment for the 9 of Pents! I guess that you could take these cards in very different ways without the guiding knowledge of the RWS.

    Hope you did something fun!

  2. Well, I got up and did my workout even if though it was already 6.45! (Hubby and I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 'Split' workout, total body premix). At 35 minutes, we were done by 7.20ish.

  3. 6.45 pm, I should add.


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