Order a Reading

Saturday 10 November 2012

Turn and face the strange

(Come on all you rock and rollers)

I've decided to alternate between Silicon Dawn Tarot and Faeries' Oracle. Well, shifting gears a lot is supposed to keep the brain young, right? (Right?)

Silicon Dawn, Egypt Urnash, LoScarabeo 2010

The first draw of the week comes from Silicon Dawn, by Egypt Urnash.  I asked what I needed to know about my seeking help with an issue I've been dealing with (the details of which are unnecessary to go into here). I drew 2 of Swords, 3 of Wands and The Hermit.

The Bride, Uma Thurman
The 2 of Swords shows a scene that reminds me of The Bride in 'Kill Bill.'  She's been battered by circumstance and she's had enough. She has two choices: die, or fight. But how to fight that shadowy figure looming in the background, the one that won't show its face but is always there? You might think there's a third choice: walk away. But the shadow follows. Eventually, she will have turn and face him, to choose between dying or fighting.

In the second card, 3 of Wands, we see a female figure climbing to the top of a cathedral, welding a big pole to the top. She's sending out an SOS. When you turn the card just right, the circles from the tip of the pole stand out in relief, overwhelming the image. It's a strong signal she's sending, and it mingles with signals from other steeples in the distance. She's not the only person with these feelings, or seeking help in this way. And the card suggests a strong, assertive action. Because if you don't ask, you don't get.

Finally, The Hermit card shows a Fool emerging through a gaping hole that has been ripped open between dimensions. She seems to have burst from a greyish version of reality to a brighter-coloured one, where the cogs and wheels of her problem are more clearly visible. She can not only seem them, she has broken through them. Which leads me to believe that the help I seek will be of aid in overcoming an ingrained pattern.

This seems a hopeful reading, even though the images have led me to interpret the cards much dfferently than I might have done with a traditional RWS clone.

I've already sent out my first signal. We shall see what happens when that Hermit shows up. 


  1. Ha, I referenced Kill Bill when I pulled that Two of Swords, too :)

    I loved this reading, even if, as you say, it wasn't a "clone" reading - all the better for it!

    Good luck finding your way through :)

  2. Thanks, I will give it my best. It could be that this is one of those instances where it will just pass. It's all in me head, anyway.


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