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Matthews & Worthington, 2012 |
Path card: The Honoured Path
The Honoured Path is for those who have achieved the Grail, and leads to the Place where only they can go, the earthly home of the Grail, Sarras. This path is for people who 'have striven throughout their lives, doing their best to help others and to share their view of the world with everyone they meet' (Camelot Oracle, Matthews, p. 84).
This rings very true for me, because the reason I decided to offer readings is to help people. The cards do not speak through everyone. Only a few of us become readers, just as few achieve the Grail, if you think about it. Sarras is a 'mysterious realm; healing of soul and psyche can take place there, and the answers to all mysteries sought' (Matthews, p. 98). Sarras in this instance could almost represent card reading itself.
The companion book goes on to say that Sarras has the aspect of achievement, with qualities of completion, accomplishment and transfiguration (Matthews, p. 98). Sarras is the holy island where Galahad, Perceval and Bors deliver the Grail. Reading the cards can be like the Grail quest, because it is something that is both personally costly while being at the same time rewarding in the highest ways.
Companion: Gawain
Gawain's aspect is adventure. 'It is said of him that he never returned unsuccessfully from any task he undertook' (Matthews, p. 42). As my companion, he lends me his qualities to help me on the Honoured path to Sarras. Gawain is passionate; he is hot-headed and impulsive. He fights like a lion. He jumps in first and asks questions later. He is not afraid to make mistakes. I can use this energy of Gawain's, because I do tend to be rather passive in promoting my tarot reading services. Gawain's energy will encourage me to put myself out there more, take more risks.
Challenger: White Hart
The White Hart represents beginnings, with qualities of change, turning points and quest. It was considered to be the one animal that could never be caught. To the knights of Arthur's Round Table, the appearance of a white hart signaled time to start a new quest. The card drawn in this position suggests I am being challenged to start a new quest in the direction I've asked about--being active in live venues.
The question that the White Hart poses in this path to Sarras is: Are you hunter or hunted?
On reflection, I suppose at the moment, I ought to be ' hunter', seeking ways to find the people who would like their cards read, who want the guidance that tarot (and oracles) can offer them in sorting out their thoughts about their lives, just as I am doing right now in this reading for myself. If I want to help people, I first have to find them--or be more active in helping them find me.
I can see how Gawain would be a good hunter, willing to go out on the prowl and be assertive in his search. Gawain would take action to on the trail of his prey; he would not be the type to sit up in some high-hide hoping for it to happen upon him. Of course, my goal is also to become the hunted...my hope being that when the readings I offer genuinely help people --which is my deepest and most fervent desire -- that they will return to me for further help and guidance from the cards. That I will be sought out by others who value and desire the help I offer.
I believe my answer to the question is that I am acting like the hunted, when what I need to be is the hunter. I post online here, and I enjoy doing it, but it isn't the only way of reaching the people I want to help, and possibly not even the best way. There are many other things I ought to be doing. If I want people to find me, I have to find them first. Gawain's energy is what I need to galvanize myself into action. On the other hand, I am also already the hunted. I have turned down two live gigs in recent months, because I wasn't entirely sure that live readings are my calling right now. But maybe they are, for I am again being drawn to this path. I have always believed that if I open myself to a reading, the person needing it will find me. Gawain will help me see that in addition to being open, I can also take steps to lead to it happening. (One big step being, accept when asked!)
I have already taken three actions in the last 24 hours that have surprised me. I now wait to see what result this Gawain energy leads me to.
Ooh, I'll be excited to hear what steps you have taken! As for the question of whether readings will find you if you are ready to give them, maybe that shows that the gigs you were offered weren't the kind of gigs you want. Just because you choose to do live readings, doesn't mean you have to accept every venue, every client...
ReplyDeleteVery true, one was a mall opening and one was a Halloween party. I prefer psychic faires and mind-body-spirit venues, where people want to explore things on a slightly deeper level than the gypsy fortune-telling style entertainment.