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Saturday 24 November 2012

Peaceful easy feeling

Morgan's Tarot, US Games 2009 (1970)
My first draw of the week from Morgan's Tarot (US Games, 1970, 1983, 2009) is perfectly apt for today. I have to be honest with you, I drew this card, put it back in the deck thinking it might not be that exciting to look at and hoping for one with more detail for you. I sat and looked through the deck for a while and then shuffled again. This time I fanned the cards instead of cutting. And I drew The Valley again. So, it's definitely the card of the day.

Valleys are so attractive to us. They make good settlements because there is usually a river, the ground is fertile, and the surrounding hills provide natural shelter from wind and elements. The tops of the hills provide good lookout points for those tasked with protecting the people settled below. But also, they are a supremely feminine aspect of earth's topography. They are both the cleft between the breasts and that created by the vulva (if that's not too graphic for a Saturday morning). A valley also could be seen as like the cupped hands of the Lord, a place to shelter, a place of safety and security. A place where you feel protected enough to be able to really let down your guard and just relax.

The valley seen in this card, while it has many of these elements -- fertility represented by the trees, the secure feeling of the walls of mountain on either side, the suggestion of lookout points on the peaks, the clouds scudding by far overhead -- has no river flowing through it. Instead, we have a highway, Highway Number 9. The road is present in several of the cards in the Morgan's Tarot, giving it both a very nomadic, 60s counterculture feel, as well as a higher 'spiritual path' feel. The peaceful, easy feeling in the valley is just a spot in the road--it won't last forever, so enjoy the brief respite while you can. It's all part of your journey. And because 9 is 3x3, a perfect number, this is your journey to enlightenment. You are on your way.

My Valley today is that Hubby has gone off to one of his shows and I'm here on my own for most of the day. I have absolutely no plans; the day is mine. I intend to simply wallow in my freedom and enjoy the security and comfort of my home.


  1. Ooh, a day to yourself sounds good! We're off to see friends, which is nice, too. Still, hope you enjoy your valley. And maybe we'll get to hear some of what you do... :)

  2. Actually, I've chosen a scary project--I'm making my first biryani! I'm just about to head out the door in search of black cardamom, saffron, and a few other essentials. Wibble!

  3. Well, I did it, I made vegetable biriyani and mirchi ka salan. It turned out really tasty, but wow is it long process. No wonder it's served at weddings and other feast celebrations.

    I can safely say homemade biriyani is much better than any takeaway I've ever had. And my recipe made a TUB full, so we'll be eating for this for a day or two for sure. :D

  4. mmmmmm! sounds lovely!

  5. Wow, that does sound delicious! And I can only imagine the work that went into it :o Congratulations! :)


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