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Tuesday 13 November 2012

Silicon Faeries 2

Froud Faeries' Oracle 2000, Urnash Silicon Dawn 2011

Tuesday's forecast: If you're expected to do the impossible, you better dig deep and find your inner Captain Kirk!

Undressing of a Salad, from Froud's Faeries' Oracle, takes most of its meaning for me from the title. How do you undress a salad? Now that would take some serious skill. You'll notice in the card that the faeries are all holding poses while balancing bubbles. To me this looks like a freezeframe of a very complicated and graceful bit of choreography, an intricate dance. Lots going on, none of it easy, some of it downright gravity-defying. (Well, they are faeries after all).

When things get complicated and crisis mode approaches, you got two choices: freak out or step up. The King of Wands (in the Silicon Dawn he's the King of Pentacles, but the character is King of Wands through and through) has all the hubris and braggadocio needed to pull of the impossible. Captain Kirk doesn't believe defeat is a possibility and when you're asked to undress a salad, you better believe it, too! The character in the card even looks like a captain, though more of a pirate-type. I like the way he's laughing and pointing at someone--just the way you always imagine a used-car salesman doing, with a little wink and a click of the tongue. The card suggests not only hubris, but also some schmoozing may be in order. And oh, do I hate schmoozing.

So it looks like a busy day ahead. Where did I put my Communicator?

ETA: The situation where I was asked to 'undress a salad' occurred. It was handed to me to make a decision on something that would require a certain delicacy (or schmoozing) to handle. However, I decided it was not a decision that at my level I ought to be making anyway. So I handed it back up the line, with a promise that once a decision has been made, I will make the contact. (Ie, do the schmoozing). Hmph. But then I knew this was coming...


  1. Hmm, you seem to be getting a lot of cards that ask you to find your fiery energy :)

    Good luck with schmoozing, and getting on with all the things you'll face today!

  2. It's true, I'm getting fiery cards all over the place this week.


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