Order a Reading

Monday 26 November 2012

Spinning around

Morgan's Tarot, US Games
What would you do if you found yourself encircled by pigs and fish like the poor guy in this card? I'd say putting my hands on top of my head in confusion and distress would be a natural place to start.

Although the LWB says that this card 'is said to mean inner truth', the figure in the card doesn't seem to be finding inner truth there. He seems to be in some sort of turmoil or quandary. The LWB also offers this cryptic gem: 'Pigs and fishes represent those aspects most difficult to influence in the polychromatic bubble of dualism.'

Okay, so dualism is the idea that, for a particular domain, there are two fundamental kinds or categories of things or principles. If we think about pigs and fishes, it would seem to be a mind-body dualism. The pigs most likely representing the earthly, physical realm of the appetites, and fish, being creatures associated with water, would represent emotions and so on. This seems to me to be reinforced by the one pig having a six-pointed star on its side--one triangle pointing up ('as above'), one triangle pointing down ('so below').

I believe this card is continuing on from yesterday's draw, which referred to the 'war between Atlantis and Mu', which I interpreted similarly as material, earthly concerns in conflict with more spiritual matters. Fortunately, today they seem to be aligning themselves better--they're balanced in number and alternating neatly. Three of each is a good sign, three being such a powerful number.

OR maybe it just means I'm going to be surrounded by confusing bullshit today.


  1. Thought-provoking...i would def not consider this tarot at all, but nonetheless ;]

  2. It's definitely an oracle, and a quirky one at that! I love it for some strange reason, though.

  3. When I see this card, what it makes me think of is the saying about keeping your head while all around you are losing theirs. Hope you managed that in the face of office politics and Joe Public :)

  4. Well, yesterday I was in a quiet branch where I saw maybe 10 customers. So I'm not sure what this was referring to, though hubby and I did have a rather circular and frustrating discussion. Maybe that was it.

  5. :( Still, if that's it, it's not so bad...


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