Order a Reading

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Androgynous much?

Wheel of Year, LS 2011
Here's the Knight of Cups from the Wheel of the Year Tarot, LS 2011. Flowing blond locks, clear skin, could-go-either-way face, what can only be described as 'well-developed' pects, accompanied by, without being crude about, a tidy little cod piece. ha ha  Though he's rather skinny in the flanks, for a horseman. What is going on here?

Well, who knows, but this Knight of Cups is a jolly and rather fey looking fellow, surrounded by blue skies, butterflies and daffodils. He doesn't seem nearly as murky and moody as some Knights of Cups, but his horse could pass through the shadow any minute now and throw him into the depths of despair.

May I not take myself nor my emotions too seriously today, as the Knight of Cups has a tendency to do. May I not be blown about by each passing wind (or shadow).


  1. He does look a bit like a girl. He does have an Androgynous look about him. He wouldn't have looked out of place at a 1972 David Bowie or Roxy Music concert though xx

  2. I like your affirmations :) On the positive side, I also see the Knight of Cups being about walking your talk...

  3. Chloe, I've read you use that phrase 'walk your talk' before about Knight of Cups. Is this because he tends to dream and not do? So you see drawing the card as possibly a warning not to be like that? I can see that. (Though for some reason the phrase 'You talk the talk, can you walk the walk?' always annoyed the crap out of me. I think it's just because the 'alk' sounds goofy when repeated four times like that. :)

  4. I think it's because I see him in his negative aspect just whispering sweet nothings, someone in love with love, but with little follow-through or depth. So, the positive would be someone who truly acts on what they say! Sound less goofy? ;)

  5. The explanation is elegant, the phrase with all the 'alk' sounds will always be goofy to me. Sounds like a gaggle of geese or something--alk alk alk alk alk! Alk alk alk! :D

  6. You make a great goose ;D


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