Order a Reading

Monday 10 December 2012

That girl with the jugs keeps turning up

Wheel of Year, LS 2011
Oh look, it's the Temperance card again! It's one of my favourite cards, though this one from LoScarabeo's Wheel of the Year Tarot (2011) is a bit of a departure from the traditional RWS image.

Here we have a winged faery, with pale lavender skin and pointy ears, pouring water from one jug to another, which she has carefully balanced on her knees, both of which are firmly on the earth. The water flow is not doing the impossible in this image, but flows down from one jug into another just as it would in the real world. It looks vaguely to me like the card shows a transition from winter to spring. On the left side of the card we have snow, on the right green grass and blossoms. The vessel on the left side of the card seems to have icy bits hanging from it, while the one on the right side has a garland of flowers. So I'm supposing that is what is being represented. It is the Wheel of the Year Tarot, after all.

I scanned this card on Saturday and since then I've actually used a silver metallic pen to write the Roman numeral on and drew an outline around the edges. Maybe I'll post a scan of the new version. (I embellished all the majors with a line around).

A balance between winter and spring, cold and warm, austerity and abundance. But, but, but...I've been so bipolar in my lifestyle lately. Can I do lukewarm? (Particularly when today, after a weekend of abundance, I've been thinking of swinging into a bit of austerity? I'm talking food intake, here, by the way).

Let's take the advice literally and go with this: lots of liquids today. ;)


  1. I love the title to this post, made me chuckle. You have been watching too many 'Carry On' movies lol

  2. Can I do lukewarm? Interesting question. It's something I'm working on, too :) Can I not either fast or overeat? Today I did a daylight fast, which went pretty smoothly, but I definitely needed it after the stress (and hence poor eating) of the last four days! Can I not care about what other people say online without actually avoiding going online? Haven't been managing that one, either :( Maybe I need to draw some cards on how to find lukewarm...

  3. Anonymous12.12.12

    As much as this deck got some real put-downs around the web, I have been interested in it for some time. I like the images. They are bright and comforting.

    I take it you trimmed it? Yes, I'd love to see the developments you've made with it since this scan :)


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