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Sunday 2 December 2012

Will I? What then?

Anna K Tarot, 1st edition
I'm just embarking on a new opportunity, which would be of 6 month duration. I thought I'd ask the tarot about it.

1. What are the chances of my being successful in securing this opportunity? - Chariot
As the Chariot is about movement, I take this card to mean that chances are very good that I will be successful in securing this opportunity. The project will involve new places, new scenes, and lots of commuting, all of which I can see reflected in this card.

2. What will be my experience during the opportunity? - 6 of Wands
Another positive card, the 6 of Wands depicts a champion being cheered by an appreciative audience. I believe this opportunity will give me a chance to feel successful and experience the appreciation of those around me. The people around me will recognize I am good at what I do. And I will feel successful, myself.

3. Where will I be headed after the opportunity? - The Devil (clarified by 5 of Cups)
The Devil often represents feeling trapped in a bad situation. It is a bad situation that I want to escape from through this opportunity. Drawing this card suggests I will go back to the same environment I came from. This is not unexpected, as the opportunity is temporary. For clarification, I drew 5 of Cups, which is a card that always reminds us that even if things look bleak, all is not lost. So even though I would be returning to a similar situation, there will be positive aspects to remind myself of. The sunlit doorway and three upright cups behind the figure in the card also suggest to me that new opportunities might await, but I won't notice them if I don't look around for them.

This seems overall very positive. I'm going to go ahead with putting my foot forward for this opportunity and we'll see how it pans out.


  1. I am sooo keeping my fingers crossed for you on this one! The Chariot says to me you might have to be quite proactive, and push for this opportunity. Hope it works out!

    1. This didn't pan out for me, and you were right, the Chariot was about pushing, which I didn't. The feedback I received from interview was, 'You should sell yourself more.' Ah well!


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