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Friday 28 December 2012

How many swords of Damocles is that?

Servants of the Light, Aquarian 1991
I had to laugh when I drew this card from Servants of the Light Tarot, Aquarian Press 1991. I have to go back to work today! Ha. :)

Seriously, this is the card of bad dreams, sleepness nights, troubling thoughts. But as the Servants of the Light companion book says, it's all relative. If you've drawn a card asking about the outcome of your entry into the jam-making competition, chances are you'll come last. It's not likely, though, that you'll be decapitated for it. That made me laugh, I like that.So even though this card gets a bad rap, it's not as bad as it may at first seem.

I tend to see this card as overthinking, blowing problems out of proportion, worrying yourself into a corner (or a sleepless night).

Whatever happens today, I'm not going to let it worry me into a sleepless night. Nothing's as bad as it may at first seem.

May I keep perspective today, whatever may happen. 

Mantra: 'Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. Breathing in, I live in the present moment. Breathing out, I know it is a wonderful moment. Present moment. Wonderful moment.' (This is the first mantra I ever learned. It is by Thich Nhat Hanh and beautiful beyond words. After the first repetition, continue by just saying 'Present moment' on the inhale, and 'Wonderful moment' on the exhale. Obviously it is a silent mantra, said in your head only.)

Flower essence: Mustard (dispels the black cloud overhead)


  1. This card could have been picked for me, I have had a Christmas full of troubling thoughts and disturbed sleep. The figure on the card called to mind Thomas - a - Beckett getting murdered in the cathedral, bit of a medieval theme going on there me thinks x

  2. For me, the Nine of Swords is so often that churning mind that isn't even really overthinking, just spinning in place... I like the book's take on it, though ;)

    Beautiful mantra, not one I've ever tried, but my Dear One swears by it :)


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