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Saturday 8 December 2012

Year Card 2013--The Chariot

Over at Alison's Game of Thrones blog, she's already getting ready for 2013. The year card for 2013 is the Lovers (2+0+1+3=6), but you can also figure your personal year card by adding your date of birth to 2013. Mine is 27+01+2013=2041=7, The Chariot!

Chariot, Wheel of Year, 2011

Alison suggests we draw two court cards to see who can help (or hinder) the journey of our personal year card through 2013.  My journey will be Chariot through Lovers.

Which court will assist me in 2013?

Queen of Pentacles, WoY 2011

Which court will hinder me in 2013?

Knight of Wands, WoY 2011
Interestingly, I notice that Alison drew the cards the opposite to how she listed them -- her draw shows hindrance first, then helper. But I asked for them in the order helper, then hindrance, so I am keeping mine in the above order, even though I've just noticed the discrepancy on my part. 

It seems bit paradoxical that the Queen of Pentacles will be a help to the Chariot, while the Knight of Wands will be a hindrance to its progress. However, if you look at the shadow meanings of Knight of Wands, it becomes clearer why this energy could be troublesome. He can be cocky, foolhardy, and hot-tempered, and none of this is conducive to true progress. Whereas the Queen of Pentacles is trustworthy, resourceful, kindhearted and grounded--all qualities that would lead to true growth and development, coupled with the confidence and will of Chariot.

I can't even yet see what I've accomplished in 2012, let alone imagine what may be coming in 2013! But these cards are good ones to keep in mind as the time draws nearer.


  1. The design on these cards are beautiful

  2. They are certainly colourful and I have to admit that the ones I like, I like a lot. (And the ones I don't like, I really loathe!)

  3. Looks set to be an interesting year, where you take charge of your own choices! Nurturing and practical rather than gung-ho - I can see that :)


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