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Thursday 13 December 2012

'Stalker' Card Reading

Lisa at Tarotize came up with this spread to help us understand why those certain cards keep popping up for us. She shuffles the deck, then finds the stalker card, and lays it out with the two cards before and after it, plus a card drawn from an oracle deck. (She uses angel cards; I don't have those so I will use my Goddess Oracle). I've decided to try it for my 2012 Year Card, Lovers.

1. Why I have to have this lesson
2. What I will have learned by the end of it

3. Stalker card
4. How I am doing right now
5. Pass or fail?
6. Angelic guidance and comfort
Sulis from The Goddess Oracle, Marashinsky & Janto


6 of Cups - 3 of Cups - LOVERS - 5 of Wands - 9 of Swords

I have to have this lesson in order to experience the fullness of relationships (6 of Cups). By the end of it, I will have learned to enjoy fellowship with others (3 of Cups). Right now, I am not doing well. I am fighting it (5 of Wands). And I am failing in learning this lesson--or to be more gentle in the message--I am overthinking it and struggling (ie, fighting it). The Angelic guidance and comfort comes from Sulis. The companion book to The Goddess Oracle, by Amy Sophia Marashinsky, says that Sulis is 'the depths all people must plumb in their journey to light, health and wholeness.' She urges us to seek support and assistance for our healing, and to give ourselves time. I believe she's saying, that it's okay if the lessons of this year take me longer than a year to work through. :)


  1. I have some angel cards if you wish to borrow them, although I don't know if thats a good idea as they may have my aura imprinted on them now :-/

  2. I ordered an angel oracle today. :)

  3. I think the Goddess Cards worked just beautifully, in any case :)

    Wow, that is quite a spread! Quite a reading, too ;) I will have to try it for my old frenemy the Tower. Wish me luck...


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