Order a Reading

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Joy to the World!

Servants of the Light Tarot, Aquarian 1991
It's Christmas Day!
I've beeeeeeen---
Off wooooorrrk---
Four daaaaaays!
And I 'm not going ba-a-a-a-ack
For three more da-a-a-a-ys
Let heaven and nature sing
Let heaven and nature sing
Let heaven, let heaven and nature sing!

Okay, enough with the rejoicing, let's have a look at the Servants of the Light Tarot's take on the World card.

The Fool has come full circle in this card, and it is traditional in its depiction of a half-male, half-female figure, emerging from a victory laurel wreath. The companion book says the figure is Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, as well as Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali, watched over from the corners by the Four Holy Creatures. What a lovely card.

Right, now I'm off to wing an improvised cashew and lentil nut roast because I have failed to plan my Christmas menu. I'm sure it will be lovely and after all -- it's only lunch.

May I feel the balance of the universe today.

Mantra: Om bhur bhuva swaha, tatsavitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dimhahi, dhiyo yonah prachodayat

Flower essence: Clematis, to avoid the fuzzy-headedness of being too much in the upper chakras. :)


  1. merry christmas, have a lovely day Carla xxxx

  2. Nice rejoicing ;) And a cashew and lentil nut roast sounds pretty delish. I used to do one with cashews and hazelnuts, which non-veggies treated as stuffing, and I adored. Haven't made it in a while, maybe I need to remember nut roast is not just for Christmas :D

    Wishing you a joyful day, and three more to come!

  3. You know I ended up not making that. Instead, we had Quorn chicken-style filets, sage and onion stuffing balls, red cabbage, green beans, roast potatoes and carrots and gravy over all of it. Very christmasy and boy was I stuffed! Then of course we had Christmas pudding with vanilla Swedish Glace. :D

  4. That sounds delicious, too! Our roast potatoes came out the best we've ever done, and my mum made red cabbage to my grandma's old recipe, which was sooo good I ate it for breakfast on Christmas day ;)

  5. Sounds like a nice meal

  6. I'd be interested in knowing your grandma's red cabbage recipe, mine was just basically boiled with salt and pepper on it. It was most definitely a side dish, the roast carrots and stuffing balls stole the show. :)

  7. I have asked her for it, so I'll let you know! It included a bay leaf and vinegar, as well as goose fat... though at least that's easily substituted :)


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