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Saturday 1 December 2012

Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland

This week I will be drawing from the absolutely stunning Star Tarot. I saw this deck on Lisa's site and fell in love with it. I have the self-published majors-only deck, but Cathy McClelland is currently working on a full 78 card deck to be published by Schiffer next year. Find out more at her website here: Star Tarot

I can't wait to get started with this deck, so let's have a look at today's card.

Star Tarot, Cathy McClelland
Wow, what a truly auspicious start! And I could use a card of this power and beauty after the day I had yesterday.

In this card, we see the integration of mind, body and spirit. Cathy McClelland's guidebook, included with the deck, contains a detailed explanation of all the symbols in the card. I find that most of them are natural and easy to interpret, to the point that you don't need the guidebook to understand the deck. I find this a plus with tarot decks, and consider it a sign of a deck designer being in touch with the Universal. If something is so esoteric no one else can figure it out, what good is it, really? These cards are chock full of imagery, but it is imagery that resonates in the universal consciousness and is accessible to all.

When I contemplate this card, my eye is first drawn to the earth in the centre of the card, being cradled in the arms of the woman, who herself is being held by a giant dove. She sits in the Tree of Life, encircled by a wreath. The three turtles swimming upward remind me of the subconscious/unconscious, while the butterflies at the top are air, life, rebirth. They are flying and swimming in a clockwise circle around the wreath. An endless cycle. There are many more symbols in the card. What do you see there?

As a card of the day, this card reminds me to keep a BIG perspective on my current situation. And trust me, I need to view the situation I find myself in right now with the widest angle lense possible. Otherwise, there's a danger of falling into despair. I was just listening to a song by Jewel the other day, in which she sings, '...Worry is wasteful, and useless in times like these. I won't be made useless. I won't be idle with despair. I will gather myself around my faith...' (from the song Hands).

I won't be made useless.  I won't be idle with despair. These lines are so very beautiful and resonant to me. I am not useless. I won't make myself useless and idle through worry and despair. I will open my perspective as wide as the Universe.


  1. Such a beautiful deck, and it's great news that the Minors are on their way... A lovely card for your first draw...

  2. I've been incredibly into birds, of late, and what I see is the nest at the top with three eggs - beautiful! I'm not a fan of Majors-only decks, but will definitely want this deck when it's complete!

    Sorry to hear you are having a sucky time! Sending you hugs and good wishes.


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