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Friday 7 December 2012

Rise up

Star Tarot, Cathy McClelland
I'm a little surprised at the overt Native American elements in this card from the Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland. There are a few in some of the other cards from the deck, but none so dominating as seen here.  I feel a bit uncomfortable with this sort of 'generic' Native American spirtuality. Upon closer inspection, though, this card actually contains an eclectic mixture of images.

Cathy calls this card 'Resurrection/Awakening of the Self'. 'It is a time when life becomes fresh again and all the burdens or limitations of the past break away, opening one to the beauty of universal love,' she writes, in the Star Tarot companion booklet.

The Native American figure emerges in a whirlwind from a big golden egg, perhaps the cosmic egg of the precreation void, as seen in many Asian creation myths. Surrounding the egg we see flaming lotus flowers, symbols of enlightenment. Rising up through what appear to be mountains of ice, a rainbow bridge leads up to an eagle and a bear, Ursa Major.
I've run the gauntlet this week with the cards. The Devil, The Lovers, Temperance, Tower and now Judgement. Have I been on a mini Fool's journey this week? I don't feel any different, if I have. Or rather, I don't feel the way I always thought you would after coming through 'something'.

It's true, I've had disheartening news about my current work situation, which has inspired me to take steps toward trying something new. I went for something on impulse -- a Fool's action, upon reflection -- and even though I didn't get it, it was the right thing for me to do. As the Chariot suggested in my reading on this event, I should have pushed a little harder, 'sold myself a little more', as the interviewer who gave me my feedback said. She's right, I could have tried harder. I am too self-deprecating, in most aspects of my life. Even though I drew the Tower for the event, even though I was unsuccessful on this occasion, I don't feel knocked back. I feel like a lesson has been offered. A lesson about not saying no, and about other things as well. Maybe that's what I'm rising up to receive in this card.

I've enjoyed using the Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland this week. Do visit her website at http://cathymcclelland.com/html/tarot.htm!


  1. Well, a Fool's Journey is what you get when you use a Major's only deck! Still, it does seem it's been appropriate :) Glad you have come through it all with a renewed sense of purpose!

  2. I can be quite self-deprecating too, it doesn't help I know!

  3. Well here's to even bigger opportunities in the future! Sounds like you are being prepared to grab hold when it comes around. :-)


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