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Wednesday 12 December 2012

Put them away, love

Wheel of Year, LS 2011
It's the Empress today from LoScarabeo's Wheel of the Year Tarot, 2011. One thing about LoS, they do love piccies of creamy-skinned young things with bare chests. I don't think the Empress has her norks out in any of my other tarot decks...

So what have we here, once you get past the nipple? She's sitting on a stone throne, in the fork of a tree, and is flanked by the sun on one side and an image of the 3 phases of the moon on the end of her sceptre on the other side, a reference to her association with the 3-fold goddess. Her necklace also has a crescent moon on it. Her floral headdress is reminiscent of the crown of stars seen on the RWS Empress. She's sexy, but I bet that stone throne is cold, and there's not much here to make me associate her with maternal instincts or Gaia/Mother Nature, such as you see on many other cards. Not my favourite Empress.

So what's the message for today, then? The Empress always makes me think of empowerment through the feminine--'Don't mess with Mother Nature' type stuff. Maybe I will be called upon to use maternal aspects of self in dealing with people at work, or even the Hubster.


  1. I have to agree, when I saw her I thought at first she was the High Priestess. She really doesn't say "mother instinct" to me at all. I guess the boob thing could be her generous and nurturing nature, offering of herself... ;)

  2. I'm going to print this out large and stick it on my bedroom wall. It is my favorite of your Tarot cards so far x

  3. Anonymous12.12.12

    Still sniggering at the word 'norks' ...

  4. LOL at Tim! ha ha

    PLN, isn't that a great word. Always makes me laugh.

  5. Is Norks a word they use in the US?


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